Monday, 5 December 2016

Yeren - the aggressive monkey man from China

In China is the legendary ape-manYeren in Hubei Province regularly provide turmoil. His name means "wild man" and he should behave very aggressively. It is best to compare it with the mysterious Yeti or Bigfoot. He is considered a cryptid, but its existence could not be proved and alleged sightings of to this day Yeren are related to real existing Golden Monkey Monkey. Therefore it must be doubted whether the monkey-man actually lives and is in the Chinese province.
Behavior and appearance of Yeren                                                              
The Yeren is described as up to three meters high, he should erect move like a human being and long have droopy arms. Its coat is described as very dense, and the face of the yen should be naked. The coat color has been described in most cases as red, but there are also reports according to which it should be brown or gray. The face is supposed to be human-like, and it is said to have large ears, while the forehead of the Yeren, compared to other human beings, is described as higher.
The ape is very aggressive against humans, he has already attacked, injured and even killed them. In some cases, he even eaten them, and he was also responsible for the abduction and rape of women. According to a handful of reports, there are even Yeren-human hybrids.Contrary statements, however, report a peaceful behavior of the Yeren when he meets people.
The Yeren and Hubei Province
For more than 2,000 years there have been stories around the Yeren in the Chinese province of Hubei, but it was not until the 1940s that sightings were made that were not scientifically proven. The author Qu Yuan, who lived from 340 to 274 before Christ's birth, describes monkeys who have something in common with the Yeren.
For decades, attempts have been made to prove the existence of the Yeren, but like the Yeti, Bigfoot, Alma and Yowie, the evidence is missing. In the years 1976 and 1977 a large expedition with more than 100 participants took place, with the aim to find the "wild man" in Hubei. The expedition was triggered when, in May 1976, a monkey-like creature, which had a red coat, was sighted in the vicinity of the Shennongjia forest area. However, the search for the group consisting of scientists, militants and journalists was without result.
In the course of time, supposed remains of the Yeren were found, but in the end it turned out that they were only known monkey species. According to a media report, the existence of the mysterious monkey system in 1980 was proved on the basis of hands placed in brine, which were said to have come from a Yeren shot in 1957. The analysis of the hands, however, revealed that the limbs were from a macaque.
Is the Yeren a surviving giant monkey?
According to cryptologists, the Yeren could be a surviving species of the gigantic gigantopithecus, which lived on Earth for eight million to 100,000 years. According to scientific studies, the gigantopithecus was over 500 kilograms and must have been at least 1.80 meters in size. Until now only teeth and jaw pieces have been discovered by the giant monkey. A hitherto unknown species of the orangutan could also be considered a Yeren because of the red coat color.
In the province of Hubei, there is a cave to serve the Yeren as a habitat, and before entering this cave warning red characters. Of the mystic monkey man, which is very probably only a fable, there are still no pictures and videos. The mystery will remain a mystery until real evidence of its existence has been found. A new expedition with modern technical equipment such as drones and infrared cameras could help to find the aggressive and peaceful giant monkey in the area around Hubei. In the near future, however, no new Yeren expedition is planned.

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